Title: Home
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Historical, Ngôn Tình, Romance, Shoujo
In the bustling city of Shanghai in the early 1900s, a young girl named Linh finds herself at a crossroads. Orphaned at a young age, she has always longed for a place to call home. Despite the hardships and dangers of the time, Linh's determination and resilience shine through as she embarks on a journey to discover her true identity and roots.
Linh's life takes a dramatic turn when she encounters a mysterious young man named Kai, a skilled martial artist with a hidden past. Drawn together by fate, Linh and Kai find themselves entangled in a web of secrets and deception that spans generations.
As Linh and Kai navigate their way through the treacherous world of espionage and political intrigue, they must overcome their own inner demons and confront the ghosts of their pasts. Along the way, they discover the true meaning of home - not just a physical place, but a feeling of belonging and love.
With plenty of action-packed adventure, heart-wrenching drama, and tender romance, 'Home' is a captivating tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats till the very end. Will Linh and Kai be able to unravel the mysteries of their heritage and find solace in each other's arms? Join them on their emotional journey as they defy the odds and fight for a future where they can finally feel at home.
Title: Home
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Historical, Ngôn Tình, Romance, Shoujo
In the bustling city of Shanghai in the early 1900s, a young girl named Linh finds herself at a crossroads. Orphaned at a young age, she has always longed for a place to call home. Despite the hardships and dangers of the time, Linh's determination and resilience shine through as she embarks on a journey to discover her true identity and roots.
Linh's life takes a dramatic turn when she encounters a mysterious young man named Kai, a skilled martial artist with a hidden past. Drawn together by fate, Linh and Kai find themselves entangled in a web of secrets and deception that spans generations.
As Linh and Kai navigate their way through the treacherous world of espionage and political intrigue, they must overcome their own inner demons and confront the ghosts of their pasts. Along the way, they discover the true meaning of home - not just a physical place, but a feeling of belonging and love.
With plenty of action-packed adventure, heart-wrenching drama, and tender romance, 'Home' is a captivating tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats till the very end. Will Linh and Kai be able to unravel the mysteries of their heritage and find solace in each other's arms? Join them on their emotional journey as they defy the odds and fight for a future where they can finally feel at home.